Your website is of critical importance to your customers and company. Assuring it is functioning at peak performance and security is essential to maximizing its effectiveness. In this day and age of rapidly developing systems and software, we’ve realized it’s time to put into place a program that helps monitor and optimize your website in a systematic, scheduled way.
We’ve noticed a large uptick in security breaches and attempted takeovers by rogue hackers, especially from Eastern Europe and Asia. It’s easy to think, “hackers only target big sites like Sony and Yahoo,” but in fact hackers attempt to take over even the tiniest websites. In one 5 minute span recently we saw 30 attempts to hack into a small site.
This is where Brainblaze Site Care comes into play. Many of our clients have a beautiful, hard working website but we haven’t spoken in awhile to do content updates, let alone monitor its health. When we don’t maintain the site, the code becomes outdated over time and may become vulnerable to problems. Think of it like caring for your car, if you don’t change the oil and get tuneups, bad things happen.
Brainblaze SiteCare™ is monthly assessment and scheduled maintenance to :
1. Ensure all core WordPress Software, Plugins, and Themes are up to date
2. Utilize Security Plugins to thwart incoming hacker attacks
3. Backup and Archive your website to ensure if something does go south, we can restore your site easily
4. Find out what was found, what was fixed and improvement recommendations
For a small monthly cost of $99 you can rest assured this service will be working in the background and protecting your company’s most valuable marketing asset, your website. This service is worth $150+ per month based on normal time. We are offering this to make sure your site isn’t neglected and gets the attention it needs to operate optimally. We’re offering this at a reduced cost to help you and feel it’s very important to do.
Simply click the button below and sign up securely via Paypal
so we can schedule your first SiteCare™ website health checkup
and we’ll get to protecting your website investment right away…