A bit more Understanding.

A bit more Understanding.
May 2, 2016 Patrick Yore

Beyond a formal business document, here are a few items to know about how we care for relationships and the importance of your success. Please check off after we discuss them…

We give you a diverse set of skills rooted in strategic business thinking and have been helping companies find their voice and customers for 20+ years. We didn’t jump into this business because it looked profitable. We love it. With multiple degrees in this stuff, we live and breathe it every day.

It’s important to think about big picture, compelling messages that get people to act in a way you want them to, rather than to think of stopgap marketing pieces. This will ensure the investment you make will have maximum value immediately and make multiples of returns far into the future.

Creative projects are subjective and need attention and healthy communication from both sides to succeed greatly. If we are not fulfilling your needs and desires in any way, please let us know immediately so we can learn, grow and improve thereby helping you and every other future Brainblaze client.

Through modern analytical tools have improved enormously, the full value of marketing cannot always be measured statistically. Our work capitalizes heavily on the fact that emotional, interesting, engaging, thoughtful communications elevate effectiveness. Our key added value is captivating attention and inspiring people to embrace & champion your product or service.

Everything we do makes you money, it is not a static service like dry-cleaning.

You will receive an estimate before work begins. Time spent on projects is tracked and billed hourly, not at a fixed price. This helps everyone understand and see what has been accomplished and leaves nothing to doubt. Projects over 1K will be billed on a stepped 50/25/25/? payment schedule.

Marketing is a very complex business. It is a fine balance of art and science that can be done by anyone, but can only be done well by some. Amateur marketing and communications can actually have a negative impact on your business.

Electronic marketing tools are ever-evolving. Websites, software and online tools that help your business grow also need to be nurtured and cared for, so they can thrive over time.


(Better go sock shopping. We’re about to knock them off.)


Client Name – Title, Company   Date : __________


Patrick M. Yore – Chief Creative Officer, Brainblaze    Date : __________